United States Coast Guard Administrative Law Judges (ALJ)

ALJ Cases & Decisions

All Suspension and Revocation (S&R) cases initiated in 2023 and moving forward will be posted on this website.   The final dispositive order for these cases will be uploaded once issued.  Selected substantive Decisions and Order issued between 1999 – 2022 are also linked for easy viewing.  A person desiring a historical decision not listed may request a copy of the decision with the Hearing Docket Clerk (ALJDocketCenter@uscg.mil).

Listing of all S&R Cases by Year:



Selected Substantive Decision & Ordered Issued (2022 – 1999):

2022     2021     2020      2019

2018     2017     2016     2015     2014

2013     2012     2011     2010     2009     

2008     2007     2006     2005     2004     

2003     2002   2001    2000     1999


Other Decisions:

Legal Notice:

The Decisions and Orders made available here are for research and informational purposes only.  Not all documents consist of the final signed version and are not to be considered the official record.  In accordance with 33 C.F.R. § 20.903, any person may obtain a copy of part or all of any U.S. Coast Guard ALJ administrative proceeding.  If you desire an “official,” signed copy of any Decision and Order, you may make your request in the following manner: 

To ask for a copy by e-mail, please send your request to the ALJDocketCenter@uscg.mil.

To request a copy by mail, please send your request to the following address:
ALJ Docketing Center
U.S. Customs House
40 S. Gay Street, RM 412
Baltimore, MD  21202-4022
ATTN:  Hearing Docket Clerk

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