Coast Guard Legal Assistance

  1. Q: I am experiencing a personal legal issue, such as housing issues related to a PCS move, cancelling or amending a contract because of the stay-at-home orders, or a family legal problem.  What should I do?

    A: You are encouraged to contact a Coast Guard Legal Assistance Attorney, who can advise you on your rights and options.

  2. Q: Do I have to pay my taxes this month?

    A:  The deadline to file your federal taxes is now 15 July.  Many State deadlines are also delayed, but you should check with yours to be sure  

  3. Q:  Will I receive an Economic Impact Payment?

    A:  The payment is based on the amount of adjusted gross income you declared on your last tax return.  You likely do not need to take any action.  The IRS will be sending out a letter after the payment is made to confirm you received it, but they will not be calling or contacting you to seek personal information so beware of scams.  For more information, see

  4. Q:  My spouse works in one of the many industries that has been negatively affected and lost his job.  Can he file for unemployment?

    A:  Each State sets its own eligibility guidelines, so you need to check yours: In the event, the spouse does not qualify in the State where you are currently residing, also check the military member’s State.

  5. Q:  Can CGMA help me?

    A:  Quite possibly.  See ISSUE PAPER for more information.