Office of Military Justice

Military Justice References

Below is a list of useful references and websites pertaining to military justice. These documents provide the laws, statutes, regulations, rules, and policies governing military justice practice in the Coast Guard.

Constitution of the United States

Manual for Courts-Martial (MCM)

For the most up-to-date MCM materials, please visit the Joint Service Committee Website:

The Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF)

The CAAF website hosts CAAF opinions, the CAAF Rules, a calendar of scheduled hearings and various other resources. CAAF also maintains a topical index of its opinions here.​ 

The Coast Guard Court of Criminal Appeals (CGCCA)

The CGCCA website hosts the CGCCA’s Rules of Practice and Procedure and an archive of the CGCCA’s published and unpublished opinions.

Coast Guard Trial Judiciary

Coast Guard Rules of Practice Before CG Courts-Martial (Aug 2022)
Coast Guard Rules of Practice – Appendix A – Model Trial Management Order (TMO) (Aug 2022)
Coast Guard Rules of Practice – Appendix B – Model Motion Template (Aug 2022)

Services Trial Guides
Coast Guard Motion Template (Oct 2019)
Template Pretrial Motion Response
Annotated Model PTA
Model Plea Agreement

Additional References Pertinent to Military Justice

The following are Practice Guides developed by the Office of Military Justice, COMDT (CG-LMJ), and other reference materials:

How to Contact a Defense Attorney
DHS Sec'y CM CA Designations 30Mar2012
CG - Navy MOU for Defense Support

Military Justice Manual (MJM)

The MJM can be found on the Coast Guard Directives website.

Military Justice Templates

Below is a list of useful templates that can be used for guidance, and have been developed by the Office of Military Justice, Commandant (CG-LMJ), based on numerous requirements set forth by the MJM, MCM, and other federal codes and statutes.

General / Special Court-Martial Checklist

Summary Court-Martial Checklist

Chapter 2. Nonjudicial Punishment (NJP)

2.H.1. CG Defense Services Tri-fold (consultation with a military attorney) - M5810.1H
2.K.10. NJP Script and Guide - M5810.1H

2.M.1.a. Template Letter of Censure - M5810.1H

2.M.2. Template  Restriction Letter - M5810.1H

2.R.4. Template Record of Proceedings of Vacation of Suspended NJP - M5810.1H

2.R.5. NJP Vacation Proceeding Script - M5810.1H

2.U.5. NJP Appeal and CO's Endorsement - M5810.1H

NJP Checklist

Chapter 3. Summary Courts-Martial (SCM)


3.C.2. Acknowledgement of Rigths-Acceptance of SCM - M5810.1H

3.F.3. SCM Convening Order - M5810.1H

3.H.1. SCM Memorandum - M5819.1H

3.I.1.c. JAG SCM  Review no corrective action required - M5810.1H

3.I.1.e. JAG SCM Review corrective action required- M5810.1H

3.I.1.f. OEGCMJ SCM Action - M5810.1H

SCM Word Version of MCM Appendix 9 (Script)

Chapter 4. Jurisdiction

 4.H.1. MOU Between the DOJ and Coast Guard, 1967 - M5810.1H

Chapter 6. Pretrial Restraint and Confinement

6.B.4. Notification of Pretrial Confinement - M5810.1H

6.B.2 Confinement Order

6.C.1.d. 72 Hour Memorandum - M5810.1H

6.C.2.c. (1)  IRO Script - M5810.1H

6.C.2.c. (2) IRO Acknowledgement of Rights - M5810.1H

Chapter 7. Pre-Referral Matters

7.B.3. 2703f preservation request (cell phone) - M5810.1H

7.B.3. 2703f preservation request (extension) - M5810.1H 

7.B.3. 2703f preservation request (generic) - M5810.1H

7.C.1.a. Investigative Subpoena Application - M5810.1H

Chapter 10. Preliminary Hearing Under Article 32, UCMJ

10.A.6. PHO Guide - M5810.1H

Chapter 11. Referral of Charges to Special or General Courts-Marital

11.B.1 Convening Order - M5810.1H

Chapter 13. Courts-Martial Personnel

13.E.3. Bailiff Guide - M5810.1H

13.E.7.c. Court-Martial Members Questionnaire - M5810.1H

Chapter 15. Authority to Grant Immunity from Prosecution

15.B.2. Transactional Immunity - M5810.1H

15.C.1. Testimonial Immunity - M5810.1H

Chapter 16. Information and Services to be Provided to Victims and Witnesses

16.A.6. Trial Counsel Crime Victim Rights Checklist - M5810.1H

Chapter 17. Witness Reimbursement

17.B.6. Guide to Reimbursement for Civilian Witnesses - M5810.1H

Chapter 18. Oaths, Article 39(a), UCMJ Sessions, Release of Information, and Spectators

18.C.1 Court-Martial Public Affairs Guide - M5810.1H

Chapter 20. Sentencing Matters

20.G.1. Appellate Rights Notice (automatic review) - M5810.1H

20.G.1. Appellate Rights Notice (direct appeal) - M5810.1H

20.G.1. Appellate Rights Notice (not eligible for direct appeal or auto review) - M5810.1H

Chapter 21. Post-Trial Processing in General and Special Courts-Martial, Cases Referred After January 1, 2019

21.A.1. Statement of Trial Results - M5810.1H

21.B.2 Confinement Order

21.B.3. Victim Notification - M5810.1H

21.C.4. CA Action and Entry of Judgment - M5810.1H

21.E.4.a. Court Reporter Certificate - M5810.1H

21.E.8. Post-Trial Processing Guide - M5810.1H (with Enclosures)

Chapter 22. Review of Courts-Martial, Cases Referred After January 1, 2019

22.A.2.b. RCM 1201 Review Memorandum - M5810.1H

Chapter 27. Search Authorizations

27.F.1.b. Search Authorization Application Script - M5810.1H

Chapter 28. Delivery of Personnel to Civilian Authorities

28.D.4. Waiver of Extradition - M5810.1H

28.E.2. Delivery Agreement - M5810.1H

Post-Trial, General and Special Courts-Martial, Cases Referred Prior to January 1, 2019

Model SJAR

1112 Action

Promulgation Order

Sample 1112 Review

Supplement to Report of Results of Trial for Misdemeanor Crimes of Domestic Violence

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