Cross Walk Old Section in Title 14/33/46/50 to New Section Title

Old Title Number Old Section Number Section Heading Before Reorganization New Section Number New Title Number
14 1 Establishment of Coast Guard 101 14
14 2 Primary duties 102 14
14 3 Department in which the Coast Guard operates 103 14
14 4 Secretary defined 105 14
14 5 Commandant defined 106 14
14 41 Grades and ratings 301 14
14 41a Active duty promotion list 2102 14
14 42 Number and distribution of commissioned officers on active duty promotion list 2103 14
14 44 Commandant; appointment 302 14
14 46 Retirement of Commandant or Vice Commandant 303 14
14 47 Vice Commandant; appointment 304 14
14 50 Vice admirals 305 14
14 51 Retirement 306 14
14 52 Vice admirals and admiral, continuity of grade 307 14
14 53 Office of the Coast Guard Reserve; Director 309 14
14 54 Chief of Staff to President: appointment 310 14
14 56 Chief Acquisition Officer 308 14
14 57 Prevention and response workforces 312 14
14 58 Centers of expertise for Coast Guard prevention and response 313 14
14 59 Marine industry training program 314 14
14 60 Training course on workings of Congress 315 14
14 81 Aids to navigation authorized 541 14
14 83 Unauthorized aids to maritime navigation; penalty 542 14
14 84 Interference with aids to navigation; penalty 543 14
14 85 Aids to maritime navigation; penalty 544 14
14 86 Marking of obstructions 545 14
14 87 Icebreaking in polar regions 561 14
14 88 Saving life and property 521 14
14 89 Law enforcement 522 14
14 90 Arctic maritime transportation 716 14
14 91 Safety of naval vessels 527 14
14 92 Secretary; general powers 501 14
14 93 Commandant; general powers 504 14
14 94 Oceanographic research 715 14
14 95 Special agents of the Coast Guard Investigative Service law enforcement authority 525 14
14 96 Prohibition on overhaul, repair, and maintenance of Coast Guard vessels in foreign shipyards 1153 14
14 97 Procurement of buoy chain 1154 14
14 98 National Coast Guard Museum 316 14
14 99 Enforcement authority 523 14
14 100 Enforcement of coastwise trade laws 524 14
14 101 Appeals and waivers 562 14
14 102 Agreements 717 14
14 103 Notification of certain determinations 563 14
14 104 Protecting against unmanned aircraft 528 14
14 141 Cooperation with other agencies, States, territories, and political subdivisions 701 14
14 142 State Department 702 14
14 143 Treasury Department 703 14
14 144 Department of the Army and Department of the Air Force 704 14
14 145 Navy Department 705 14
14 146 United States Postal Service 706 14
14 147 Department of Commerce 707 14
14 147a Department of Health and Human Services 708 14
14 148 Maritime instruction 709 14
14 149 Assistance to foreign governments and maritime authorities 710 14
14 150 Coast Guard officers as attachés to missions 711 14
14 151 Contracts with Government-owned establishments for work and material 712 14
14 152 Nonappropriated fund instrumentalities: contracts with other agencies and instrumentalities to provide or obtain goods and services 713 14
14 153 Appointment of judges 507 14
14 154 Arctic maritime domain awareness 714 14
14 181 Administration of Academy 1901 14
14 181a Cadet applicants; preappointment travel to Academy 1926 14
14 183 Cadets; initial clothing allowance 1927 14
14 184 Cadets; degree of bachelor of science 1928 14
14 185 Cadets; appointment as ensign 1929 14
14 186 Civilian teaching staff 1941 14
14 187 Permanent commissioned teaching staff; composition 1942 14
14 188 Appointment of permanent commissioned teaching staff 1943 14
14 189 Grade of permanent commissioned teaching staff 1944 14
14 190 Retirement of permanent commissioned teaching staff 1945 14
14 191 Credit for service as member of civilian teaching staff 1946 14
14 192 Assignment of personnel as instructors 1947 14
14 194 Annual Board of Visitors 1903 14
14 195 Admission of foreign nationals for instruction; restrictions; conditions 1923 14
14 196 Participation in Federal, State, or other educational research grants 1904 14
14 197 Cadets: charges and fees for attendance; limitation 1930 14
14 199 Marine safety curriculum 1948 14
14 200 Policy on sexual harassment and sexual violence 1902 14
14 211 Original appointment of permanent commissioned officers 2101 14
14 214 Appointment of temporary officers 2104 14
14 215 Rank of warrant officers 2105 14
14 251 Selection boards; convening of boards 2106 14
14 252 Selection boards; composition of boards 2107 14
14 253 Selection boards; notice of convening; communication with board 2108 14
14 254 Selection boards; oath of members 2109 14
14 255 Number of officers to be selected for promotion 2110 14
14 256 Promotion zones 2111 14
14 256a Promotion year; defined 2112 14
14 257 Eligibility of officers for consideration for promotion 2113 14
14 258 Selection boards; information to be furnished boards 2115 14
14 259 Officers to be recommended for promotion 2116 14
14 260 Selection boards; reports 2117 14
14 261 Selection boards; submission of reports 2118 14
14 262 Failure of selection for promotion 2119 14
14 263 Special selection boards; correction of errors 2120 14
14 271 Promotions; appointments 2121 14
14 272 Removal of officer from list of selectees for promotion 2122 14
14 273 Promotions; acceptance; oath of office 2123 14
14 274 Promotions; pay and allowances 2124 14
14 275 Wartime temporary service promotions 2125 14
14 276 Promotion of officers not included on active duty promotion list 2126 14
14 281 Revocation of commissions during first five years of commissioned service 2141 14
14 282 Regular lieutenants (junior grade); separation for failure of selection for promotion 2142 14
14 283 Regular lieutenants; separation for failure of selection for promotion; continuation 2143 14
14 284 Regular Coast Guard; officers serving under temporary appointments 2144 14
14 285 Regular lieutenant commanders and commanders; retirement for failure of selection for promotion 2145 14
14 286 Discharge in lieu of retirement; separation pay 2146 14
14 286a Regular warrant officers: separation pay 2147 14
14 287 Separation for failure of selection for promotion or continuation; time of 2148 14
14 288 Regular captains; retirement 2149 14
14 289 Captains; continuation on active duty; involuntary retirement 2150 14
14 290 Rear admirals and rear admirals (lower half); continuation on active duty; involuntary retirement 2151 14
14 291 Voluntary retirement after twenty years’ service 2152 14
14 292 Voluntary retirement after thirty years’ service 2153 14
14 293 Compulsory retirement 2154 14
14 294 Retirement for physical disability after selection for promotion; grade in which retired 2155 14
14 295 Deferment of retirement or separation for medical reasons 2156 14
14 296 Flag officers 2157 14
14 321 Review of records of officers 2158 14
14 322 Boards of inquiry 2159 14
14 323 Boards of review 2160 14
14 324 Composition of boards 2161 14
14 325 Rights and procedures 2162 14
14 326 Removal of officer from active duty; action by Secretary 2163 14
14 327 Officers considered for removal; retirement or discharge; separation benefits 2164 14
14 331 Recall to active duty during war or national emergency 2127 14
14 332 Recall to active duty with consent of officer 2128 14
14 333 Relief of retired officer promoted while on active duty 2165 14
14 334 Grade on retirement 2501 14
14 335 Physical fitness of officers 2181 14
14 336 United States Coast Guard Band; composition; director 317 14
14 350 Recruiting campaigns 2301 14
14 351 Enlistments; term, grade 2302 14
14 352 Promotion 2303 14
14 353 Compulsory retirement at age of sixty-two 2304 14
14 354 Voluntary retirement after thirty years’ service 2305 14
14 355 Voluntary retirement after twenty years’ service 2306 14
14 357 Retirement of enlisted members: increase in retired pay 2307 14
14 359 Recall to active duty during war or national emergency 2308 14
14 360 Recall to active duty with consent of member 2309 14
14 361 Relief of retired enlisted member promoted while on active duty 2310 14
14 362 Retirement in cases where higher grade or rating has been held 2311 14
14 365 Extension of enlistments 2312 14
14 366 Retention beyond term of enlistment in case of disability 2313 14
14 367 Detention beyond term of enlistment 2314 14
14 369 Inclusion of certain conditions in enlistment contract 2315 14
14 370 Discharge within three months before expiration of enlistment 2316 14
14 371 Aviation cadets; procurement; transfer 2317 14
14 372 Aviation cadets; benefits 2318 14
14 373 Aviation cadets; appointment as Reserve officers 2129 14
14 374 Critical skill training bonus 2319 14
14 421 Retirement 2502 14
14 422 Status of recalled personnel 2503 14
14 423 Computation of retired pay 2504 14
14 424 Limitations on retirement and retired pay 2505 14
14 424a Suspension of payment of retired pay of members who are absent from the United States to avoid prosecution 2506 14
14 425 Board for Correction of Military Records deadline 2507 14
14 426 Emergency leave retention authority 2508 14
14 427 Prohibition of certain involuntary administrative separations 2509 14
14 428 Sea service letters 2510 14
14 429 Multirater assessment of certain personnel 2182 14
14 430 Investigations of flag officers and Senior Executive Service employees 2511 14
14 431 Leave policies for the Coast Guard 2512 14
14 432 Personnel of former Lighthouse Service 2531 14
14 461 Remission of indebtedness 2769 14
14 467 Computation of length of service 2513 14
14 468 Procurement of personnel 2701 14
14 469 Training 2702 14
14 470 Special instruction at universities 2770 14
14 471 Attendance at professional meetings 2771 14
14 472 Education loan repayment program 2772 14
14 475 Leasing and hiring of quarters; rental of inadequate housing 2943 14
14 476 Contingent expenses 2703 14
14 477 Equipment to prevent accidents 2704 14
14 478 Rations or commutation therefor in money 2773 14
14 479 Sales of ration supplies to messes 2774 14
14 480 Flight rations 2775 14
14 481 Payments at time of discharge for good of service 2776 14
14 482 Clothing at time of discharge for good of service 2705 14
14 483 Right to wear uniform 2706 14
14 484 Protection of uniform 2707 14
14 485 Clothing for officers and enlisted personnel 2708 14
14 486 Clothing for destitute shipwrecked persons 2777 14
14 487 Procurement and sale of stores to members and civilian employees 2709 14
14 488 Advancement of public funds to personnel 2778 14
14 491 Medal of honor 2732 14
14 491a Coast Guard cross 2735 14
14 492 Distinguished service medal 2736 14
14 492a Silver star medal 2737 14
14 492b Distinguished flying cross 2738 14
14 493 Coast Guard medal 2739 14
14 494 Insignia for additional awards 2740 14
14 496 Time limit on award; report concerning deed 2741 14
14 497 Honorable subsequent service as condition to award 2742 14
14 498 Posthumous awards 2743 14
14 499 Delegation of powers to make awards; rules and regulations 2731 14
14 500 Life-saving medals 2744 14
14 501 Replacement of medals 2745 14
14 502 Award of other medals 2746 14
14 503 Awards and insignia for excellence in service or conduct 2747 14
14 504 Medal of honor: duplicate medal 2733 14
14 505 Medal of honor: presentation of Medal of Honor Flag 2734 14
14 507 Disposition of effects of decedents 2710 14
14 508 Deserters; payment of expenses incident to apprehension and delivery; penalties 2711 14
14 509 Persons discharged as result of court-martial; allowances to 2761 14
14 510 Shore patrol duty; payment of expenses 2762 14
14 511 Compensatory absence from duty for military personnel at isolated duty stations 2763 14
14 512 Monetary allowance for transportation of household effects 2764 14
14 513 Retroactive payment of pay and allowances delayed by administrative error or oversight 2765 14
14 516 Presentation of United States flag upon retirement 2748 14
14 517 Travel card management 2766 14
14 518 Reimbursement for medical-related travel expenses for certain persons residing on islands in the continental United States 2767 14
14 519 Annual audit of pay and allowances of members undergoing permanent change of station 2768 14
14 520 Prospective payment of funds necessary to provide medical care 506 14
14 531 Work-life policies and programs 2901 14
14 532 Surveys of Coast Guard families 2902 14
14 541 Reimbursement for adoption expenses 2903 14
14 542 Education and training opportunities for Coast Guard spouses 2904 14
14 543 Youth sponsorship initiatives 2905 14
14 544 Dependent school children 2906 14
14 551 Definitions 2921 14
14 552 Child development services 2922 14
14 553 Child development center standards and inspections 2923 14
14 554 Child development center employees 2924 14
14 555 Parent partnerships with child development centers 2925 14
14 561 Acquisition directorate 1101 14
14 562 Improvements in Coast Guard acquisition management 1102 14
14 563 Recognition of Coast Guard personnel for excellence in acquisition 1104 14
14 564 Prohibition on use of lead systems integrators 1105 14
14 565 Required contract terms 1106 14
14 566 Department of Defense consultation 1108 14
14 567 Undefinitized contractual actions 1109 14
14 569 Mission need statement 1110 14
14 571 Identification of major system acquisitions 1131 14
14 572 Acquisition 1132 14
14 573 Preliminary development and demonstration 1133 14
14 574 Acquisition, production, deployment, and support 1134 14
14 575 Acquisition program baseline breach 1135 14
14 576 Acquisition approval authority 1136 14
14 577 Advance procurement funding 1152 14
14 578 Role of Vice Commandant in major acquisition programs 1103 14
14 579 Extension of major acquisition program contracts 1107 14
14 581 Definitions 1171 14
14 631 Delegation of powers by the Secretary 502 14
14 632 Functions and powers vested in the Commandant 505 14
14 633 Regulations 503 14
14 635 Oaths required for boards 931 14
14 636 Administration of oaths 932 14
14 637 Stopping vessels; indemnity for firing at or into vessel 526 14
14 638 Coast Guard ensigns and pennants 933 14
14 639 Penalty for unauthorized use of words ‘‘Coast Guard’’ 934 14
14 640 Coast Guard band recordings for commercial sale 935 14
14 641 Disposal of certain material 901 14
14 642 Deposit of damage payments 546 14
14 643 Rewards for apprehension of persons interfering with aids to navigation 547 14
14 644 Payment for the apprehension of stragglers 2712 14
14 645 Confidentiality of medical quality assurance records; qualified immunity for participants 936 14
14 646 Admiralty claims against the United States 937 14
14 647 Claims for damage to property of the United States 938 14
14 648 Accounting for industrial work 939 14
14 649 Supplies and equipment from stock 940 14
14 650 Coast Guard Supply Fund 941 14
14 652 Removing restrictions 104 14
14 653 Employment of draftsmen and engineers 902 14
14 654 Public and commercial vessels and other watercraft; sale of fuel, supplies, and services 942 14
14 655 Arms and ammunition; immunity from taxation 943 14
14 656 Use of certain appropriated funds 903 14
14 657 Contract termination 1155 14
14 658 Confidential investigative expenses 944 14
14 659 Assistance to film producers 945 14
14 660 Transportation to and from certain places of employment 2779 14
14 664 User fees 946 14
14 665 Restriction on construction of vessels in foreign shipyards 1151 14
14 666 Local hire 904 14
14 667 Vessel construction bonding requirements 947 14
14 668 Contracts for medical care for retirees, dependents, and survivors: alternative delivery of health care 948 14
14 669 Telephone installation and charges 949 14
14 670 Procurement authority for family housing 905 14
14 671 Air Station Cape Cod Improvements 906 14
14 672 Long-term lease of special purpose facilities 907 14
14 672a Long-term lease authority for lighthouse property 908 14
14 673 Designation, powers, and accountability of deputy disbursing officials 950 14
14 674 Small boat station rescue capability 909 14
14 675 Small boat station closures 910 14
14 676 Search and rescue center standards 911 14
14 676a Air facility closures 912 14
14 677 Turnkey selection procedures 913 14
14 678 Aircraft accident investigations 951 14
14 679 Inventory of real property 5105 14
14 680 Definitions 2941 14
14 680 Retired service members and dependents serving on advisory committees 2944 14
14 681 Disposition of infrastructure related to E–LORAN 914 14
14 681 General authority 2942 14
14 685 Conveyance of real property 2945 14
14 687 Coast Guard Housing Fund 2946 14
14 688 Reports 2947 14
14 701 Organization 3701 14
14 702 Authorized strength 3702 14
14 703 Coast Guard Reserve Boards 3703 14
14 704 Grades and ratings; military authority 3704 14
14 705 Benefits 3705 14
14 706 Temporary members of the Reserve; eligibility and compensation 3706 14
14 707 Temporary members of the Reserve; disability or death benefits 3707 14
14 708 Temporary members of the Reserve; certificate of honorable service 3708 14
14 709 Reserve student aviation pilots; Reserve aviation pilots; appointments in commissioned grade 3709 14
14 709a Reserve student pre-commissioning assistance program 3710 14
14 710 Appointment or wartime promotion; retention of grade upon release from active duty 3711 14
14 711 Exclusiveness of service 3712 14
14 712 Active duty for emergency augmentation of regular forces 3713 14
14 713 Enlistment of members engaged in schooling 3714 14
14 720 Definitions 3731 14
14 721 Applicability of this subchapter 3732 14
14 722 Suspension of this subchapter in time of war or national emergency 3733 14
14 723 Effect of this subchapter on retirement and retired pay 3734 14
14 724 Authorized number of officers 3735 14
14 725 Precedence 3736 14
14 726 Running mates 3737 14
14 727 Constructive credit upon initial appointment 3738 14
14 728 Promotion of Reserve officers on active duty 3739 14
14 729 Promotion; recommendations of selection boards 3740 14
14 730 Selection boards; appointment 3741 14
14 731 Establishment of promotion zones under running mate system 3742 14
14 732 Eligibility for promotion 3743 14
14 733 Recommendation for promotion of an officer previously removed from an active status 3744 14
14 734 Qualifications for promotion 3745 14
14 735 Promotion; acceptance; oath of office 3746 14
14 736 Date of rank upon promotion; entitlement to pay 3747 14
14 737 Type of promotion; temporary 3748 14
14 738 Effect of removal by the President or failure of consent of the Senate 3749 14
14 739 Failure of selection for promotion 3750 14
14 740 Failure of selection and removal from an active status 3751 14
14 741 Retention boards; removal from an active status to provide a flow of promotion 3752 14
14 742 Maximum ages for retention in an active status 3753 14
14 743 Rear admiral and rear admiral (lower half); maximum service in grade 3754 14
14 744 Appointment of a former Navy or Coast Guard officer 3755 14
14 745 Grade on entry upon active duty 3756 14
14 746 Recall of a retired officer; grade upon release 3757 14
14 821 Administration of the Coast Guard Auxiliary 3901 14
14 822 Purpose of the Coast Guard Auxiliary 3902 14
14 823 Eligibility; enrollments 3903 14
14 823a Members of the Auxiliary; status 3904 14
14 824 Disenrollment 3905 14
14 825 Membership in other organizations 3906 14
14 826 Use of member’s facilities 3907 14
14 827 Vessel deemed public vessel 3908 14
14 828 Aircraft deemed public aircraft 3909 14
14 829 Radio station deemed government station 3910 14
14 830 Availability of appropriations 3911 14
14 831 Assignment and performance of duties 3912 14
14 832 Injury or death in line of duty 3913 14
14 891 Flags; pennants; uniforms and insignia 4101 14
14 892 Penalty 4102 14
14 893 Limitation on rights of members of the Auxiliary and temporary members of the Reserve 4103 14
14 894 Availability of facilities and appropriations 4104 14
14 2701 Requirement for prior authorization of appropriations 4901 14
14 2702 Authorization of appropriations 4902 14
14 2703 Authorization of personnel end strengths 4903 14
14 2704 Authorized levels of military strength and training 4904 14
14 2901 Transmission of annual Coast Guard authorization request 5101 14
14 2902 Capital investment plan 5102 14
14 2903 Major acquisitions 5103 14
14 2904 Manpower requirements plan 5104 14
14 2905 Annual performance report 5106 14
14 2906 Major acquisition risk assessment 5107 14
33 1221 Statement of policy N/A 46
33 1222 Definitions 70031 46
33 1223(a)&(e) and 46 U.S.C. 2307 Vessel operating requirements 70001 46
33 1223(b) Special powers 70002 46
33 1223(c) Port access routes 70003 46
33 1223(d) Limitation on application to foreign vessels 70033 46
33 1223a Electronic charts 3105 46
33 1224 Considerations by Secretary 70004 46
33 1225 Waterfront safety 70011 46
33 1226(a) & (b) Port, harbor, and coastal facility security 70116 46
33 1226(c) Nondisclosure of Port Security Plans 70103(f) 46
33 1227 Investigatory powers 70035 46
33 1228 Conditions for entry to ports in the United States 70021 46
33 1229 Applicability 70032 46
33 1230 International agreements 70005 46
33 1231 Regulations 70034 46
33 1231a Towing Safety Advisory Committee 15108 46
33 1232 Enforcement provisions 70036 46
33 1232a(a), (b) & (d) Navigational hazards 70012 46
33 1232b Requirement to notify Coast Guard of release of objects into the navigable waters of the United States 70013 46
33 1233 Regulations as to regattas or marine parades 70041(a) 46
33 1234 Enforcement of regulations; use of public or private vessels 70041(b) 46
33 1235 Transfer of authority to regulate to head of other department 70041(c) 46
33 1236 Penalties for violations of regulations 70041(d) 46
50 191 Regulation of anchorage and movement of vessels during national emergency 70051 46
50 192 Seizure and forfeiture of vessel; fine and imprisonment 70052 46
50 194 Enforcement provisions 70053 46
50 195 Definitions 70054 46

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