USCG Finance Center  U.S. Coast Guard Finance Center


Michael Danish
Commanding Officer, USCG FINCEN
John A. Melchers  
John Melchers
Deputy Director, USCG FINCEN
FINCEN Division Chiefs


Ms. Tonya Hughes-Scruggs​

Ms. Tonya Hughes-Scruggs​
Accounting Operations Division Chief (OC)

The Accounting Operations Division provides professional accounting services, payments, receivables and collections for three DHS components: Coast Guard, TSA and CWMD.

CDR Ronald Easley

CDR Ronald Easley​
Comptroller Division Chief (CC)

The Comptroller Division performs budget, procurement, contracting, admin, facility management services, and process improvement and training throughout the Command.

Ms. Paula Kitchen

Ms. Paula Kitchen
Financial Information and Control Division Chief (FC)

The Financial Information and Control Division executes the Coast Guard (CG) wide OMB budgetary reporting and financial statement reporting program.

Ms. Carol Taylor

​Ms. Carol Taylor
Accounting Systems Division​ Chief (S)

The Accounting Systems Division has direct responsibility for supporting Tier 1 and Tier 2 tasks for the DHS Financial System Modernization Solution (FSMS) with over 15,000 users worldwide.

                   SKCS Danielle Farmer   

​SKCS Danielle Farmer
Command Senior Chief (CC)

The Unit Command Senior Chief serves as the Commanding Officer’s direct representative and advisor on all issues impacting enlisted personnel.

Ms. ​Candace Mianulli

Ms. ​Candace Mianulli
Internal Controls Division Chief (IC)

The Internal Controls Division has direct responsibility for assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of operations as well as compliance with laws and regulations for business processes operating at the United States Coast Guard Finance Center. 

Mr. Darryl Carver

Mr. Darryl Carver
Property Operations Division Chief (POD)

The Property Operations Division has direct responsibility for USCG's acquisitions, adjustments, transfers, and retirements of personal and real property in the official financial system.