NPFC User Reference Guide (eURG)

The NPFC User Reference Guide (eURG) is designed to be a reference tool during an oil or hazardous materials spill incident for Coast Guard and EPA Federal On-Scene Coordinators (FOSCs). It includes all relevant Federal regulations, technical operating procedures (TOPs), forms and sample letters, and other documentation designed to make funding of recovery operations and recovery of Federal expenditures as efficient and easy as possible.

For current eURG changes, please visit: URG Updates

Chapter 1- Introduction to OPA & the NPFC
An overview of the background, mission, and organization of the NPFC.

NPFC Mission Overview History of OPA and the OSLTF, NPFC roles & missions, Case Teams, and Roles of those that use pollution funds.
NPFC Functional Contacts Points of contact, including Regional Managers, Senior Management, their phone numbers and areas of responsibility.
Glossary Commonly used acronyms by the environmental response community.
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Chapter 2 - Removal Actions: Oil and Hazardous Substances
Procedures for cost documentation of oil spills and hazardous substance releases.

Procedures for Accessing the Funds Guidance describing procedures for USCG or EPA FOSCs performing oil removal or hazardous material response operations under the National Contingency Plan.
NPFC - FOSC Financial Management Checklist A Checklist for CG and EPA FOSCs who use the OSLTF Emergency Fund or CERCLA Superfund and must monitor cost documentation during an oil spill or HAZMAT response.
NPFC - Accounting Data for Special Pollution Response Funds POET format for CG FOSCs and Strike Teams when directly expending pollution response funds (OSLTF, CERCLA, and Disaster) in FSMS
Funds Management During Incidents Processes for ceiling management and obligation record keeping, as well as government credit card use procedures.
NPFC - Oil Removal Cost TOPs Guidance for determining valid removal costs for oil discharges or substantial threats of discharges to the extent possible under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990.
NPFC - CERCLA Removal Cost TOPs Guidance for hazardous material discharges to the extent possible under CERCLA. Includes guidance for the National Strike Force (NSF) on use of CERCLA funding when supporting EPA FOSCs.
NPFCINST 16451.2
Cost Documentation TOPs
NPFC TOPs for accessing the OSLTF. It includes procedures for resource documentation, use of CANAPS, ceiling management, and copies of forms.
Reimbursable Standard Rates Rates used to reimburse the Coast Guard for certain spill-related activities, used when filling out many of the forms contained in the TOPs.
EPA Action Memo Guidance EPA document provides guidance in the preparation of action memos for Superfund removal operations, particularly administrative record requirements for reserving removal funding.
NPFC - CANAPS Field User Tutorial Walks the user through each of the CANAPS Internet Wizard functions. Includes instructions on what data is required to be entered, screen shots for each step in the wizard, and sample outputs.
NPFC - OSLTF Disbursements: Internal Controls & Audits Guidance on documentation and approval requirements for disbursements from the OSLTF, which are subject to random audits.
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Chapter 3- Designation
Methods for designating sources, notifying responsible parties, conducting investigations to identify sources and responsible parties under OPA.

NPFCINST M5890.3A Technical Operating Procedures for Designation of Source under The Oil Pollution Act of 1990
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Chapter 4- State Access
Procedures for state access to the OSLTF and for State Governors to request payments of up to $250,000 for removal costs under OPA.

33 CFR 133 33 CFR Part 133, State Access to the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund for Removal costs Under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, Interim Rule.

NPFCINST 16451.1
State Access TOPs

Procedures for accessing the OSLTF, requirements for documenting expenses, investigation requirements, and instructions for submitting documentation for reimbursement.
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Chapter 5- Initiate Requests & NRD Claims
Process for the Initiation of Natural Resource Damage Assessment (INRDA) and regulations, procedures of natural resource damage (NRD) claims.

NPFC - NRD Laws & Regulations Includes sections of the Oil Pollution Act related to natural resource damages (NRD) (33 U.S.C. 2701 et seq.); NOAA regulations on natural resource damage assessments (15 CFR 990) and USCG interim claims regulations (33 CFR 136).
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Chapter 6-OPA Claims
Procedures for designation, advertising, and filing claims for removal costs or damages resulting from oil spills.

OPA Interim Claims Regulations Includes regulations for filing claims for removal costs or damages resulting from oil spills (33 CFR 136); Notice of Designation requirements for a written notice to the source of an oil discharge (136 CFR 305); and the advertisement section, which describes the need for advertisements to potential claimants (136 CFR 309).
NPFC Claimant's Guide Guidance for anyone who has suffered a loss due to an oil spill. It describes compensation available from the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund (OSLTF) and the process of submitting a claim. Includes and Optional OSLTF Claim Form.
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Appendix A-MOUs
Memoranda of understanding/agreement between the U.S. Coast Guard/NPFC and other Federal agencies.

USCG, EPA & CNCS Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Corporation of National and Community Service (CNCS).
Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund (OSLTF) MOU Between the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Appendix C
USCG & EPA (CERCLA) Superfund/Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) MOU between the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
NPFC & NOAA Scientific Support Coordinator (SSC) MOU Between NPFC and NOAA
Endangered Species Act - MOA Endangered Species Act (ESA) MOU Among USCG, EPA, DOI (USFWS), & NOAA (NMFS and NOS)
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Appendix B- FOSC Funding Information
Overview for FOSCs on financial aspects of spill response issues.

FOSC Funding Information

Provides an overview for FOSCs on financial aspects of spill response issues.