CANAPS Flowchart Text

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Scenario 1 -- New Project

Step 1 - Incident Occurs

An incident occurs and the Federal On-Scene Coordinator (FOSC) needs access to a pollution response fund. Funds are available from the NPFC for the response to either an actual discharge or threat of discharge of oil or a hazardous substance into the navigable waters of the U.S.

Note: Only CG FOSCs can use CANAPS to open a CERCLA project. EPA FOSCs can only open Oil projects.

Access to CANAPS is controlled by unit user IDs and passwords. CANAPS will not work without a valid user ID and password. See your Unit CANAPS Coordinator for assistance.

Decision Points

Does the user have access to CANAPS? If 'Yes', go to Step 2, below. If 'No', can another unit access CANAPS for you?

  • If another unit can access CANAPS for you, ask that unit to function as a surrogate and to go to Step 2, below.

    Note: Any FOSC can be a surrogate for any other FOSC in his/her agency. Any EPA FOSC can open an FPN for any other EPA FOSC; similarly a USCG FOSC can open a project for any other USCG FOSC. In addition, a USCG FOSC can open a project for the EPA. NPFC can open any project. To expedite an after-hours request, the surrogate must have access to a computer and the Internet. The cognizant CG District OPCEN may also be called.

  • If another unit cannot access CANAPS for you, is it after the NPFC business hours of 0700 to 1530 Eastern Time?
    • If it during NPFC business hours, contact the NPFC Case Officer or Regional Manager.
    • If it is after NPFC business hours, call the NPFC Command Duty Officer (CDO) Cell Phone: 202-494-9118.

Step 2 - Complete the New Project Wizard

Specific instructions on completing the wizard is available in the CANAPS Field User Tutorial on the CANAPS Documentation page.

Step 3 - CANAPS Response

CANAPS provides an immediate onscreen response confirming the project number and ceiling. Users are encouraged to print the Response screen in case the Confirmation Email is delayed.

If the system does not respond within a minute or so, contact the NPFC CDO to determine the status of the request. Do NOT resubmit the request unless specifically directed to do so.

Step 4 - Confirmation Email

CANAPS issues a Confirmation Email to the designated recipients. The Confirmation Email is the official notification that the requested action has been executed.

Step 5 - Case Officer Email Message

CANAPS also sends a message to the designated NPFC Case Officer with the project information.

Step 6 - Case Team Regional Manager Cell Phone Text Message

CANAPS also sends a brief text message to the NPFC Case Team Regional Manager's cell phone to advise him/her of the project.

Step 7 - CGMS Message

CANAPS generates a formatted message documenting project creation that is transmitted via the official Coast Guard Messaging System (CGMS). The official CGMS message should be available within a day.

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Scenario 2 - Amend Project Ceiling

Step 1 - Project Ceiling Requires Amendment

The FOSC determines that different funding is needed for an existing project.

Access to CANAPS is controlled by unit user IDs and passwords. CANAPS will not work without a valid user ID and password. See your Unit CANAPS Coordinator for assistance.

Decision Points

Does the user have access to CANAPS? If 'Yes', go to Step 2, below. If 'No', can another unit access CANAPS for you?

  • If another unit can access CANAPS for you, ask that unit to function as a surrogate and to go to Step 2, below.
  • If another unit cannot access CANAPS for you, is it after the NPFC business hours of 0700 to 1530 Eastern Time?
    • If it during NPFC business hours, contact the NPFC Case Officer or Regional Manager.
    • If it is after NPFC business hours, call the NPFC Command Duty Officer (CDO) Cell Phone: 202-494-9118.

Step 2 - Complete the Change Project Wizard

Specific instructions on completing the wizard is available in the CANAPS Field User Tutorial on the CANAPS Documentation page.

Step 3 - CANAPS Response

CANAPS provides an immediate onscreen response confirming the revised project ceiling. Users are encouraged to print the Response screen in case the Confirmation Email is delayed.

If the system does not respond within a minute or so, contact the NPFC CDO to determine the status of the request. Do NOT resubmit the request unless specifically directed to do so.

Step 4 - Confirmation Email

CANAPS issues a Confirmation Email to the designated recipients. The Confirmation Email is the official notification that the requested action has been executed.

Step 5 - Case Officer Email Message

CANAPS also sends a message to the designated NPFC Case Officer with the project information.

Step 6 - Case Team Regional Manager Cell Phone Text Message

If the amount requested exceeds defined ceiling limits, CANAPS also sends a brief text message to the NPFC Case Team Regional Manager's cell phone to advise him/her of the project.

Step 7 - CGMS Message

CANAPS generates a formatted message documenting the project ceiling update that is transmitted via the official Coast Guard Messaging System (CGMS). The official CGMS message should be available within a day.

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Scenario 3 - Cancel Project Ceiling

Step 1 - Project Ceiling Not Required

The FOSC determines that funding is not required and that the project should be cancelled.

Access to CANAPS is controlled by unit user IDs and passwords. CANAPS will not work without a valid user ID and password. See your Unit CANAPS Coordinator for assistance.

Decision Points

Does the user have access to CANAPS? If 'Yes', go to Step 2, below. If 'No', can another unit access CANAPS for you?

  • If another unit can access CANAPS for you, ask that unit to function as a surrogate and to go to Step 2, below.
  • If another unit cannot access CANAPS for you, is it after the NPFC business hours of 0700 to 1530 Eastern Time?
    • If it during NPFC business hours, contact the NPFC Case Officer or Regional Manager.
    • If it is after NPFC business hours, call the NPFC Command Duty Officer (CDO) Cell Phone: 202-494-9118.

Step 2 - Complete the Cancel Project Wizard

Specific instructions on completing the wizard is available in the CANAPS Field User Tutorial on the CANAPS Documentation page.

Step 3 - CANAPS Response

CANAPS provides an immediate onscreen response confirming the project cancellation. Users are encouraged to print the Response screen in case the Confirmation Email is delayed.

If the system does not respond within a minute or so, contact the NPFC CDO to determine the status of the request. Do NOT resubmit the request unless specifically directed to do so.

Step 4 - Confirmation Email

CANAPS issues a Confirmation Email to the designated recipients. The Confirmation Email is the official notification that the requested action has been executed.

Step 5 - Case Officer Email Message

CANAPS also sends a message to the designated NPFC Case Officer with the project information.

Step 6 - CGMS Message

CANAPS generates a formatted message documenting the project cancellation that is transmitted via the official Coast Guard Messaging System (CGMS). The official CGMS message should be available within a day.

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Scenario 4 - Check Project Ceiling

Step 1 - Project Ceiling Information Required

The FOSC requires information on the current ceiling for an existing project.

Access to CANAPS is controlled by unit user IDs and passwords. CANAPS will not work without a valid user ID and password. See your Unit CANAPS Coordinator for assistance.

Decision Points

Does the user have access to CANAPS? If 'Yes', go to Step 2, below. If 'No', can another unit access CANAPS for you?

  • If another unit can access CANAPS for you, ask that unit to function as a surrogate and to go to Step 2, below.
  • If another unit cannot access CANAPS for you, is it after the NPFC business hours of 0700 to 1530 Eastern Time?
    • If it during NPFC business hours, contact the NPFC Case Officer or Regional Manager.
    • If it is after NPFC business hours, call the NPFC Command Duty Officer (CDO) Cell Phone: 202-494-9118.

Step 2 - Complete the Check Project Wizard

Specific instructions on completing the wizard is available in the CANAPS Field User Tutorial on the CANAPS Documentation page.

Step 3 - CANAPS Response

CANAPS provides an immediate onscreen response presenting the current project ceiling. NO emails or CGMS messages are generated for this transaction.

If the system does not respond within a minute or so, contact the NPFC CDO to determine the status of the request.