Spill Response Funding


Responding to oil spills involves coordinated efforts by the Coast Guard and EPA Federal Onscene Coordinators (FOSCs), other Federal agencies, state and local governments, the responsible party (RP), and Oil Spill Response Organizations (OSROs).

This page provides guidance, forms, and tools for Coast Guard and EPA FOSCs, as well as other members of the response community.

General Information

OSLTF Funding for Oil Spills -

This document is designed to help the general public and other readers understand how Federal response to oil spills is funded under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA). It also describes the roles of various parties involved in or affected by an oil spill, including responsible parties and claimants.

USCG and EPA FOSCs are encouraged to provide copies of this document to the media and others who request a general overview of response funding.

Guidance Documents

NPFC User Reference Guide (URG) The URG is designed to be an FOSC reference tool during an oil or hazardous materials spill incident.
Technical Operating Procedures (TOPS) These excerpts from the URG serve as Coast Guard guidance for various Fund users.
FOSC Funding Information - FOSC Funding Information for Oil Spills and Hazardous Materials Releases provides an overview of financial aspects of spill response; it is not intended to be an all-inclusive guide. The document is Appendix B in the User Reference Guide.