Claims for Lost Government Revenue

If you represent a federal, state, or local government agency that has lost net taxes, royalties, rents, fees, or net profit shares as a result of an oil spill, you may submit a claim for lost government revenue.

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Examples of Claims for Lost Government Revenue

A city that does not collect as much revenue as usual from its parking meters because no one is using a beach due to an oil spill clean-up may submit a claim.

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Claim Requirements

To be valid, a claim for lost government revenue must meet the following requirements:

  • You must be able to prove the damage was caused by an oil spill that falls under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990. (See the General OPA Claims Requirements page for more information.)
  • You must prove that the lost revenue was caused by the spill and that the amount you are claiming is appropriate:
    • Show that the loss of revenue was caused by the injury to, destruction of, or loss of real or personal property or natural resources caused by the discharge;
    • Provide the amount, identity, and description of the revenue loss, including the applicable authority for collecting the revenue, method of assessment, applicable rate, and dates of collection or periods of loss;
    • Show the expenditures saved because revenue was not collected; and
    • Show the total assessment or revenue collected and related expenditures for comparable revenue periods (typically covering two years).
  • You must show that you have presented your claim to the responsible party of the spill, unless that party is not known or unless the NPFC has advertised for claims.
  • The claim must be for a sum certain (specific dollar amount).
  • You must submit the claim within three years of the date the damage was reasonably discoverable.
  • You must submit the claim in writing and sign it.

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Examples of Supporting Documentation

You must provide evidence that supports your claim, and you can use whatever documentation you believe best supports that claim. Listed below are examples of documentation often submitted with claims for loss of government revenue:

  • Log books
  • Reports from the Federal On-Scene Coordinator (FOSC), fire department, police, or other responder
  • Receipts
  • Documents showing past years’ revenues
  • Financial statements
  • Witness statements
  • Newspaper reports describing the spill
  • Any other documentation you feel supports your claim

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How to Submit Your Claim

  1. Develop a document or complete the Optional Claims form that describes your claim, including the dollar amount you are claiming, and sign the document in ink.
  2. Attach supporting documentation, such as those listed above.
  3. Mail your claims package to the NPFC.

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