
Personnel Bio

MUC Jeffrey Emerich
MUC Jeffrey Emerich

Chief Musician Jeffrey Emerich is originally from Fresno, California. He received Bachelor of Music degrees in music performance and music education from Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, studying with Wildy Zumwalt; a Master of Music degree in music performance from Indiana University in Bloomington, studying with Dr. Otis Murphy; and pursued a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Iowa in Iowa City, studying with Kenneth Tse until he joined the Band in June 2005. From 2003-2005, he was on faculty at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois as saxophone/theory instructor. Currently he enjoys teaching privately throughout Eastern Connecticut and coaching soccer for his two kids' teams. He plays baritone saxophone with the United States Coast Guard Band and with the USCG Band Saxophone Quartet and is the Assistant to the Tour Coordinator helping identify cities and venues, partners, and organizing tour concert engagements.