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Commandant issues clear guidance to Special Boards
By AJ Pulkkinen, MyCG writer | Dec. 3, 2024
ADM Linda Fagan reminds Special Board members that they “bear a sacred trust for both the future of our Service and those officers under consideration.”

Take the Ultimate Core Values Survey!
By AJ Pulkkinen, MyCG writer | Nov. 19, 2024
ICYMI, or if you’ve been procrastinating, here’s your chance to participate!

How a retooled Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS) is improving its approach for addressing sexual misconduct cases
By Kathy Murray, Senior Writer, MyCG | Nov. 14, 2024
Modernization brings new training, updated procedures, and better ways to help victims through the process.

Bring on the Devotion to Duty!
By AJ Pulkkinen, MyCG writer | Nov. 12, 2024
It’s time to chat about our third Core Value and what it means to you.

Good Order and Discipline: FY24 second quarter report
By AJ Pulkkinen, MyCG Writer | Nov. 5, 2024
Let’s break down some of the policy jargon to better understand ways that members get held accountable.



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Accountability and Transparency Review (ATR) Implementation Summit

Held Senior Leader Summit to learn the neuroscience of trauma and trauma-informed communication, hear from survivors of military sexual violence, and gain a personal understanding of how these incidents impact victims’ lives and impair units’ ability to conduct missions safely and effectively. 

Supplemental Information: May 24: Strengthening Service Culture Situation Report: Initial progress to make the Coast Guard a better workplace  

Senior Leader Engagement 2024 Commanding Officers’ Conference

Facilitated dialogue at each of the 2024 Commanding Officer Conferences – Cutter, Sector, Base, Deployable Special Forces, Aviation, Training Centers– on leading challenging conversations.  

Supplemental Information: May 24: Strengthening Service Culture Situation Report: Initial progress to make the Coast Guard a better workplace  

Online Mandated Training

Separated Sexual Assault Prevention, Response, and Recovery training from Resiliency Training to reestablish a stand-alone Sexual Assault Prevention, Response, and Recovery module in the Coast Guard Training Portal.

Supplemental Information: Dec. 6: Commandant sets course for Coast Guard to improve accountability, transparency

Victim Mentor

Developed capability to offer mentees the opportunity to search for and connect with a Volunteer Victim Advocate (VVA)-certified mentor in the Coast Guard Mentoring Program. 

Highest Grade Held

Updated policy to clarify authority to reopen a Retired Grade Determination (RGD) after an officer’s retirement specifically to include substantiated instances of sexual assault or harassment as a factor that can trigger an RGD. 

Supplemental Information: May 24: Strengthening Service Culture Situation Report: Initial progress to make the Coast Guard a better workplace  

Characterization of Service

Updated policy to specify that members found to have committed sexual assault or sexual harassment will be processed for separation and those separated will receive a characterization of service no higher than a General - Under Honorable Conditions.  

Supplemental Information: May 24: Strengthening Service Culture Situation Report: Initial progress to make the Coast Guard a better workplace  

Safe to Report Policy

Eliminated a significant barrier to reporting sexual assault by preventing a reporting member from being punished for minor collateral violations such as underage drinking, breaking barracks rules, or an unacceptable or prohibited relationship.

Supplemental Information: Feb 29: Take a closer look at the Coast Guard’s Safe to Report policy

Administrative Separation Board

Developed policy to allow a victim of sexual assault the right to be present and the right to be heard at an administrative separation proceeding where conduct related to the sexual assault is a basis for separation. 

Supplemental Information: June 18: Coast Guard answers questions the workforce may have after the Commandant’s recent testimony

Coast Guard Academy Reporting Structure

Made the Coast Guard Academy Superintendent a direct report to the Vice Commandant to ensure appropriate senior leader visibility of all critical issues.   

Supplemental Information: Dec. 6: Commandant sets course for Coast Guard to improve accountability, transparency

Cadet Swab Summer

Improved the Coast Guard Academy’s Swab Summer to help cadets adjust to the military environment and align with the Service’s Core Values by creating three distinct training phases: acclimation, training, and orientation 

Supplemental Information: June 16: Coast Guard updates Swab Summer for incoming Academy cadets 

Cadet Oversight

Assigned four additional Company Officers and four additional Company Chiefs to provide more oversight in Chase Hall (the cadet barracks). 

Supplemental Information: May 24: Strengthening Service Culture Situation Report: Initial progress to make the Coast Guard a better workplace  

Cadet Conduct System

Made numerous updates to improve transparency specifically regarding retention criteria.

Supplemental Information: June 18: Coast Guard answers questions the workforce may have after the Commandant’s recent testimony

Cadet Victim Support

Broadened the Inter-Academy Transfer Program to include sexual assault victims.

Coast Guard-wide Climate Survey

Held Defense Organizational Climate Survey (DEOCS) to enable intense survey analysis and trend development on a Service-wide level. 

Supplemental Information: May 24: Strengthening Service Culture Situation Report: Initial progress to make the Coast Guard a better workplace  

Command Transparency Toolkit

Created a toolkit to equip commands with the resources to publicly address matters when they arise and limit rumors and false narratives while maintaining personal privacy and the integrity of investigative efforts. 

Supplemental Information: Command Transparency Toolkit (Common Access Card Required)

Resources Hub

Published resource hubs on both MyCG and Pixel so you can find help if you’ve experienced harassing behaviors or are experiencing crisis of any kind. 

Resource hub: 

Workforce In-Person Training Modules

Developed training modules on Sexual Assault Prevention, Response, and Recovery, bystander intervention, climate, and accountability to incorporate into leadership training.

Supplemental Information: May 24: Strengthening Service Culture Situation Report: Initial progress to make the Coast Guard a better workplace  

Coast Guard Academy Board of Visitors and Board of Trustees

Strengthening and diversifying Coast Guard Academy oversight by improving roles, responsibilities, authorities, and membership of the Board of Visitors (BOA) and Board of Trustees (BOT). 


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Preparatory Course for New Recruits

Launching Sentinel Transformation and Readiness Training (START), a one-week preparatory course for Cape May graduates to reinforce and expand on lessons from boot camp, including health, personal finance, Sexual Assault Prevention, Response, and Recovery Program (SAPRR)/Bystander Intervention, Core Values, interpersonal relationships, and substance abuse.  

Supplemental Information: June 26: Future Cape May grads will head to one-week acclimation course 

Bystander Intervention Training

Creating a more in-depth version of in-person Bystander Intervention Training and hiring additional staff to make this training available to any command upon request. 

Supplemental Information: May 24: Strengthening Service Culture Situation Report: Initial progress to make the Coast Guard a better workplace  

In-person Sexual Assault Prevention, Response, and Recovery (SAPRR) Training

Requirement to conduct In-Person Sexual Assault Prevention, Response, and Recovery (SAPRR) Training to the Total Workforce, new course development.

Supplemental Information: May 24: Strengthening Service Culture Situation Report: Initial progress to make the Coast Guard a better workplace  

Victim Recovery

Evaluating options to improve coordination and continuity of care for victims of sexual assault. 

Core Values Campaign

Continuing the Core Values Project to reinvigorate our commitment to these values, and to understand how best to live them every day. 

Supplemental Information: June 6: Strengthening Service Culture through Our Core Values

Officer Evaluation System

Updating the Officer Evaluation Report (OER) to include the Core Values Framework being developed through the Core Values Project.  

Supplemental Information: May 24: Strengthening Service Culture Situation Report: Initial progress to make the Coast Guard a better workplace  

Addressing Improper Conduct

Clarifying the obligation of unit commanders to address improper conduct that falls short of our Core Values even if it fails to establish the elements of sexual harassment, sexual assault, or other violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), and identifying tools available to the commander to do so.   

Coast Guard Academy Physical Security

Investing $9 million in electronic locks and security camera systems for the Coast Guard Academy barracks. 

Supplemental Information: May 24: Strengthening Service Culture Situation Report: Initial progress to make the Coast Guard a better workplace  

Direct Access

Improving the functionality of Direct Access to enhance accountability and transparency across the Service, particularly with regards to personnel analytics and force management.  


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Develop More Effective Career Leadership Courses

Establish new training that will reinforce expectations across the workforce at more career points and will become a permanent part of the leadership development process. 

Supplemental Information: Feb. 6: Strengthening Coast Guard Culture  

Workforce Resiliency Organizational Structure

Modernize and optimally align program offices (e.g., Civil Rights, Diversity, Leadership, Sexual Assault Prevention, Response, and Recovery (SAPRR), IPP, Anti-Harassment Program Office (AHPO)). 

Supplemental Information: Dec. 6: Commandant sets course for Coast Guard to improve accountability, transparency

Sexual Assault Prevention, Response, and Recovery (SAPRR) Strategic Plan

Publish an updated Sexual Assault Prevention, Response, and Recovery (SAPRR) Program Strategic Plan to lay out clear expectations so that together we can achieve a workplace where every member of the workforce feels safe, respected, and free from harmful behaviors. 

Enlisted Performance Qualifications/Rating Performance Qualifications

Update the Enlisted Performance Qualifications (EPQs) to include more robust training on the Core Values Framework being developed through the Core Values Project.    

Supplemental Information: May 24: Strengthening Service Culture Situation Report: Initial progress to make the Coast Guard a better workplace  

Enlisted Evaluation System

Updating the Enlisted Evaluation Report (EER) to include the Core Values Framework being developed through the Core Values Project.    

Supplemental Information: May 24: Strengthening Service Culture Situation Report: Initial progress to make the Coast Guard a better workplace  

Survey Analysis and Trend Development

Explore the use of all surveys (including DEOCS) and environmental/location data to develop climate trend indicators, including resources for commands to receive assistance in interpreting and improving climate.   

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