Core Values

What Do Our Core Values Mean to You?

Our Core Values are the foundation of all we do, and they are enduring. They are also deeply personal to each member of our organization. As we strive to embody our Core Values every day, we should continually seek to deepen our understanding of them. Over the past year, we have undertaken a comprehensive initiative called "Strengthening Service Culture Through Our Core Values." Through interviews with hundreds of service members, we've gotten keen insights about how our members define and understand our Core Values.

Now it’s your turn! Please read the draft definitions of our Core Values we’ve put together. Then:

Share your first reaction!
Enter a contest!
Come back weekly for new games, puzzles, and activities!

Together, we’ll create a culture where every member knows they belong.

Core Values input graphic

Core Values
First Reaction
How do YOU describe our Core Values of Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty?

Core Values Detailed graphic

Core Values Top 3
Top 3 Values
What are YOUR Top 3 Values? Click continue to share your thoughts.

Core Values Contests

Create an image, story or video (or all three) to compete in these once-in-a-lifetime contests.

Core Values
Story Contest
Celebrating Our Core Values! It's time to spin some yarns about what makes us tick. We want to hear your real-life stories to see how you bring these values to life.
Core Values
Video Contest
Visualizing Our Core Values! Lights, Camera, Values in Action! Coasties, it's time to get behind the lens and show us what our Core Values look like in real life. We're talking about putting our values center stage.
Core Values
Image Contest
Capturing Our Core Values! Let’s get those creative juices flowing! We're on the hunt for images that capture our Core Values in a single, powerful frame. Whether you're a smartphone snapper or a DSLR pro, an artist, cartoonist, or you just like to draw, we want to see how you picture our values.

Core Values Articles

Turning our focus to Respect
By AJ Pulkkinen, MyCG writer | Nov. 4, 2024
Let’s really explore our Core Value of Respect.

Let’s talk about Honor
By AJ Pulkkinen, MyCG writer | Oct. 28, 2024
Here’s your chance to help us get it right.

Coast Guard launches Service Readiness and Culture conversation series
By AJ Pulkkinen, MyCG writer | Oct. 24, 2024
Adm. Fagan: “Culture creates readiness”

What do our Core Values mean in everyday life?
By AJ Pulkkinen, MyCG writer | Oct. 22, 2024
We need YOUR help to create clear, modern definitions of Honor, Respect and Devotion to Duty.

Strengthening Service Culture through Our Core Values
By Deputy Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard Jahmal Pereira | June 6, 2024
Together, we'll explore what Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty mean to us.


Read here to find out more about how we talked with service members throughout the Coast Guard


New Activities This Week!

Help us get this right by participating in activities every week. New activities will post every Monday.

Let's focus on Respect!

Respect is comprised of three groups: Respect for People, Foster Belonging and Community, Protect and Care for Others.

Does this resonate with you?

Pick one or all of these activities to continue strengthening our Service culture.



Let's talk about Honor!

Our very first weekly activities explore Honor.

How would you define this value? What does it look like in everyday life?

By participating in any or all of these activities, you’ll help create an even better Coast Guard.