You can request support for your project by submitting this form online or as an email to
Please do not contact units directly to ask for support. The Coast Guard participates in entertainment productions that support public awareness, information, and education about the Coast Guard. The Coast Guard also supports entertainment productions that have the potential to enhance recruiting and retention initiatives. The use of Coast Guard personnel, equipment, and facilities in advertising productions is prohibited because of the potential for actual, implied, or perceived Coast Guard endorsement of the products or services.
Upon receipt of the above information, we will evaluate your request and respond with our decision. This document and other records relating to U.S. Coast Guard assistance may be subject to disclosure pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552 Submitting this form does not constitute approval from the U.S. Coast Guard. Filming of U.S. Coast Guard personnel, equipment or installations is not permitted until a Production Assistance Agreement is signed by the production company and the U.S. Coast Guard. This form provides pre-decisional information and may be shared within the U.S. Coast Guard, the Department of Homeland Security, and/or the Department of Defense for the purpose of determining whether to support the proposed project.